



亲~无广告无弹窗韩剧派 https://www.sclongde.com 记得收藏到百度书签哦~
红牛资源播放2集 优质资源播放2集
  • 剧情介绍
破车嘉年华剧情介绍:破车嘉年华是由Phil Churchward执导,杰里米·克拉克森,詹姆斯·梅等艺人主演的,于2012年上映,该电影讲述的是  Everyone has an opinion on bad cars... now it's time to hear the ones that really count--ours...  As it's the worst car in the history of the WORLD, we're on our travels ... to the North of England ... to name and shame the most rubbish car from a manufacturer which, frankly, should have known better. But, it's not all about hateful cars ... Oh no. You have to revel in some good ones to appreciate the stinkers. There's the Ferrari 458 spider, Toyota's GT86 and the £340,000 Lexus LFA rubbing shoulders with a Mercedes SLS.  Our guest driver, The Stig's Yorkshire cousin, puts his whippet to one side and throws a BMW M5 round a gymkhana course before we have a go in a couple of Transatlantic challengers. Things don't go well. We spend treasured leisure time on the golf course continuing our debate. That doesn't go well either. We even put our own cars--past and present--into the reckoning. That ends badly too.  We argue over the great and the awful from Peugeot, Ford, Mahindra, FSO, Alfa Romeo, Rolls Royce, Porsche, Citroen, Saab ... and many more. And we have a special, surprise fate in store for the car we  pick as our biggest loser...  Enjoy... Jeremy Clarkson & James May(《破车嘉年华》电影于2024-03-25 16:35由韩剧派收集自网络发布。)


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