



亲~无广告无弹窗韩剧派 https://www.sclongde.com 记得收藏到百度书签哦~
  • 剧情介绍
希斯与利夫[电影解说]剧情介绍:希斯与利夫[电影解说]是由John Kimball,查尔斯·A·尼科尔斯执导,梅尔·布兰科,亨利·柯登,琼·弗雷等艺人主演的,于1980年上映,该电影讲述的是  每集半小时被拆成了两段。  前半段的主角是希斯。希斯是只家猫,聪明又能打架(狗都打不过它~),总是在食品店里抢吃的,野猫似的在街道上乱窜。  后半段的主角是利夫。利夫是只野猫,聪明的它是一个四人(猫)组的头头,还有个白白的女朋友。利夫和它的朋友们住在垃圾场的一部破轿车里(那部轿车能飞的),过着极其拟人化的生活,且颇有小资的感觉。貌似它的生活比希斯更像家猫一点。。  Aired: 1984 - 2012  Show Type: Animated  Country of Origin: US  Show Summary: A practical joker and career trouble maker, Heathcliff struts through life in search of new ways to torment Spike, the neighborhood bulldog, or to woo Sonja, his beloved fancy feline girlfriend. At home, he is the bane of Grandpa's existence but adored by Grandma and Iggy Nutmeg, his human owners. Joined with Heathcliff is The Catillac Cats, a band of junkyard cats with their leader Riff Raff, a short cat with a tall sexy feline girlfriend named Cleo, and a Cadillac car that can change into almost anything. Riff Raff's get-rich-quick schemes and search for good eats have the rest of the gang (Hector, Mugo, and Wordsworth) constantly in and out of trouble and adventures  US Theatrical Release Date: January 17, 1986  MPAA:  Production Company: Atlantic Releasing Corp., Audiovisuel Syndicate, DiC Enterprises, LBS Communications Inc., McNaught Syndicate  Cast 演员  Mel Blanc as Heathcliff/Spike, Donna Christie as Iggy, Peter Cullen, Jeannie Elias as Marcy, Stan Jones as Wordsworth, Marilyn Lightstone as Sonja/Grandma, Danny Mann as Hector/Fish Market Proprietor, Derek McGrath, Marilyn Schreffler, Danny Wells, Ted Zeigler as Grandpa/Mungo, Mel Blanc as Heathcliff/Spike, Donna Christie as Iggy, Peter Cullen, Jeannie Elias as Marcy, Stan Jones as Wordsworth, Marilyn Lightstone as Sonja/Grandma, Danny Mann as Hector/Fish Market Proprietor, Derek McGrath, Marilyn Schreffler, Danny Wells...  主题曲歌词the theme song  Heathcliff, Heathcliff, no one should  Terrify their neighborhood  But Heathcliff just won't be undone  Playing pranks on everyone  There's a race to be on top  The competition doesn't stop  Mixing with the ladies fair  Being charming, debonair  The gang will reign supreme  And no one can deny  They'll make 'em history  And always have an alibi  So join in the jubilee  The cats are great they'll all agree  They'll find in each calamity  The cats superiority  Heathcliff, Heathcliff, no one should  Terrify their neighborhood  But Heathcliff just won't be undone  You should realize he can win it with you ( more )(《希斯与利夫[电影解说]》电影于2024-03-23 13:00由韩剧派收集自网络发布。)


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  • HD贪婪Gillian Alexy,Luke Ford,Nick Atkinson
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  • HD中字银河护卫队2克里斯·帕拉特,佐伊·索尔达娜,戴夫·巴蒂斯塔,范·迪塞尔,布莱德利·库珀,凯伦·吉兰,迈克尔·鲁克,庞·克莱门捷夫,伊丽莎白·德比茨基,肖恩·古恩,库尔特·拉塞尔,克里斯·沙利文,大卫·哈塞尔霍夫,西尔维斯特·史泰龙,杨紫琼
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